IIOC History
The first International Industrial Organization Conference was held in 2003 at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, and is held annually. In 2020, the conference was cancelled due to the global pandemic. In 2021, the conference was held virtually, and resumed in-person the following year.
Past Conferences
hosted by Northeastern University Department of Economics
May 3-5, 2024
Boston Park Plaza HotelProgram Chair: Mo Xiao, The University of Arizona
Conference Administrator: Leigh Ann Clark, Yale University
Local organizing committee: John Kwoka, Northeastern University; and Kathy Downey, Northeastern UniversitySponsors
Amazon, Analysis Group, ApplEcon, Bates White, Brattle, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Cornerstone Research, FTI Consulting, Keystone Strategy, NERA Economic Consulting, University of Florida Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida Public Policy Research Center, Secretariat Economists, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
hosted by the University of Maryland Department of Economics
April 21 – 23, 2023
Capital Hilton, Washington, DCConference Program | Conference maker | Photo Album
Program Chair: Mo Xiao, The University of Arizona
Conference Administrator: Kathleen Downey, Northeastern UniversitySponsors
AlixPartners, Amazon, Analysis Group, ApplEcon, Bates White, Brattle, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Cornerstone Research, Keystone Strategy, NERA Economic Consulting, University of Florida Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida Public Policy Research Center, Secretariat Economists, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
hosted by the Northeastern University Department of Economics
May 13 - 15, 2022
Renaissance Boston Waterfront HotelConference Program | Conference maker | Photo Album
Program Chair: Mo Xiao, The University of Arizona
Conference Administrator: Kathleen Downey, Northeastern UniversitySponsors
AlixPartners, Amazon, Analysis Group, ApplEcon, Bates White, Brattle, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Cornerstone Research, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, University of Florida Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida Public Policy Research Center, Secretariat Economists, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Virtual Conference
April 30 – May 2, 2021Conference Program Program | Conference Maker
Program Chair: Katja Seim, Yale University
AlixPartners, Amazon, Analysis Group, applEcon, Brattle, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Cornerstone, UFL PURC, UFL PPRC, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Due to the global coronavirus situation, the Industrial Organization Society canceled the International Industrial Organization Conference 2020 that was scheduled for May 1 - 3 at Drexel University.
Program Chair: Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia
We are happy to share all 324 papers as they represent a wide spectrum of topics in industrial organization. We hope that you find the opportunity to browse the sessions, to learn about the most recent research in our field. As in prior years, the program is full of papers and presentations spanning theory, empirics, experiments, and policy with participants ranging from emerging to established scholars.
April 5 - 7, 2019
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts.Program Chair: Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia
Analysis Group, applEcon, Bates White, The Brattle Group, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Google, Matrix Economics Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, the University of Florida Public Utility Research Center, and University of Florida Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
April 20 - 22, 2018
Hilton Indianapolis Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana.Program Chair: Federico Ciliberto, University of Virginia
Amazon, Analysis Group, applEcon, Bates White, The Brattle Group, BRG Berkeley Research Group, Compass Lexecon, Google, Matrix Economics Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, the University of Florida Public Utility Research Center and University of Florida Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
April 7 - 9, 2017
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, Boston, MassachusettsProgram Chair: Mark Roberts, The Pennyslvania State University
Amazon, Analysis Group, Bates White, The Brattle Group, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Google, the Kauffman Foundation, Matrix Economics Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, the University of Florida Public Utility Research Center, and University of Florida Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
April 15 - 17, 2016
Drexel University, LeBow School of Business, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaProgram Chair: Mark Roberts, The Pennyslvania State University
Analysis Group, Bates White, The Brattle Group, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Facebook, Google, the Kauffman Foundation, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, the University of Florida Public Utility Research Center and University of Florida Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
April 24 - 26, 2015
Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Boston, MassachusettsProgram Chair: Mark Roberts, The Pennyslvania State University
Amazon, Analysis Group, Bates White, Charles River Associates, Compass Lexecon, Cornerstone Research, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
April 11 - 13, 2014
Northwestern Law Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth, Chicago, Illinois.Conference Program | Photo Album
Program Chair: Mark Roberts, The Pennyslvania State University
Analysis Group, Bates White, Brattle Group, eBay, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Google, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
The full program schedule link
Pictures: link
May 16 - 18, 2013
The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Boston, Massachusetts.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, Bates White, Brattle Group, eBay, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Google, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
The full program schedule link
Pictures: link
March 16 - 18, 2012
George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, Virginia.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, Brattle Group, Google, Kauffman Foundation, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
The full program schedule link
Pictures: link
April 8 - 10, 2011
The Boston Park Plaza, Boston, Massachusetts.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, Brattle Group, Kauffman Foundation, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center, University of Florida.
May 14 - 16, 2010
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, APPA American Public Power Association, Brattle Group, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida, Sauder.
April 3 - 5, 2009
Northeastern University, Boston, MAProgram Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
APPA American Public Power Association, Analysis Group, Brattle Group, Cornerstone Research, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
May 16 - 18, 2008
Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, APPA American Public Power Association, Brattle Group, CRA International, Cornerstone Research, Microsoft, NERA Economic Consulting, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, and the Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
April 13 - 15, 2007
Georgia Southern, Savannah, GeorgiaProgram Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, APPA, Charles River Associates, and Cornerstone Group.
April 7 - 9, 2006
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.Program Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, APPA, The Brattle Group, CRA International, Eastern Bank, Microsoft, Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida, TJX and Northeastern University College of Arts and Sciences.
April 8 - 9, 2005
Georgia Institute of Tech Hotel and Conference Center, Atlanta, GeorgiaProgram Chair: Kenneth Boyer, Michigan State University
Analysis Group, Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies, Charles River Associates, Troutman Sanders LLP, and The Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center at the University of Florida.
April 23 - 24, 2004
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.Program Chairs: Christopher Snyder and Sam Peltzman
Analysis Group, Charles River Associates, and Chicago Partners.
April 4 - 5, 2003
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.Program Chairs: Lars-Hendrik Roller, F.M. Scherer and Christopher Snyder
Analysis Group, APPA, Charles River Associates, Giannini Foundation, Kluwer.